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When you build with Architectural Reality, you only pay what it costs.  You get to see exactly where your money is being spent.  And if savings get made, they get passed on to you.

We are about helping our customers to build their next home. It doesn’t matter if it is a first home, an investment property, or a dream home.

We have a wealth of experience in Design, Procurement and Project Management and are supported by some of the best Consultants, Suppliers and Sub-contractors around.

With very low overheads, we have no need to charge inflated margins.  In fact, you could save 10-15% compared to a high street Group Home Builder and you will always know what you are paying us for.


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We can offer tailored design services to suit your specific needs through our design partners.  It doesn’t matter whether you are building an investment property or your dream home, we have the solution for you.

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You only pay what it costs to build your home and we are more than happy to show you.

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By using our experience, knowledge and systems, we can help you to create a complete specification that will help to make the build process as smooth as possible.

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You may already have the plans for your house drawn up and ready to go.  If you need a price, please get in touch and we can talk about how we can help and advise you.

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If you already have your plans drawn up and some of your pricing complete, we can offer a Project Management service which will make sure that your vision is realised as you want it to be.  This may be as simple as a few hours of advice to a full Project Management role during the construction of your house.

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Combine our Design, Pricing and Project Management services together to create a seamless process of building your new home from start to finish with as much or as little input as you like.

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You may have some specific requirements that we haven’t mentioned and that fall outside of the ordinary.  We’ll be more than happy to talk to you about these and let you know how we can help.



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You want to know that you are being told the truth – even better than that, you want to be able to see it for yourself.

With our systems and processes, you will always be able to see where your build is up to in relation to your budget and programme.

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You only want to pay for the work that has been completed, when it has been completed meaning more security for you and the Sub-contractors.

As the Client, you get to see when work as been invoiced and make sure you are happy for it to be paid. The Sub-contractors have the confidencce that the money allocated to their portion of the works is available when due and not paid to someone else.

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You want a home that is individual, unique or just specific to you and your needs. and budget.

We have relationships with multiple Architectural Designers and can help you pick one to suit your style, needs and budget.

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You don’t want to pay for the operating costs and overheads of a Group Home Builder.  Our fees are small in comparison and as the Client, you will always know what you are paying us for.

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You want to be involved in the Quality Control all of the way through the project and not just at a final check right at the end of the build.

With Architectural Reality you can be as involved as you want to be in the build process.  We encourage regular site meetings where you can engage with the team on the ground who are building your home.

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You want trades to turn up on time, complete their work when they should, to the expected quality and without any variations.

You don’t get this by tendering out every bit of the work and using the lowest price. By building relationships over the years with Builders, Suppliers and Sub-contractors, we ensure that the expected levels of performance are met on every level.


[info_circle edge_radius=”180″ start_degree=”90″ eg_padding=”60″ icon_size=”18″ img_icon_size=”18″ icon_show=”not-show” content_bg=”#101010″ content_color=”#ffffff” eg_br_style=”solid” eg_br_width=”2″ eg_border_color=”#dddddd” auto_slide=”on” auto_slide_duration=”5″ highlight_style=”info-circle-pulse” icon_launch=”easeOutBounce” icon_launch_duration=”1″ icon_launch_delay=”0.2″ responsive_breakpoint=”800″][info_circle_item info_title=”Build Quality” info_icon=”Defaults-home” icon_bg_color=”#101010″ icon_color=”#ffffff”]The best builders supported by the best subcontractors on every project.[/info_circle_item][info_circle_item info_title=”Save Money” info_icon=”Defaults-dollar usd” icon_bg_color=”#101010″ icon_color=”#ffffff”]No paying the 10-20% profit margins charged by Group Home Builders.[/info_circle_item][info_circle_item info_title=”Bespoke Design” info_icon=”Defaults-headphones” icon_bg_color=”#101010″ icon_color=”#ffffff”]Work with a designer who listens and understands what you want.[/info_circle_item][info_circle_item info_title=”Security & Control” info_icon=”Defaults-dollar usd” icon_bg_color=”#101010″ icon_color=”#ffffff”]Only pay for the work that has been completed instead of milestone payments that leave you financially at risk.[/info_circle_item][info_circle_item info_title=”Proven Track Record” info_icon=”Defaults-group users” icon_bg_color=”#101010″ icon_color=”#ffffff”]Our subcontractors have worked together for several years creating some of the best quality Architectural homes.[/info_circle_item][info_circle_item info_title=”Visibility” info_icon=”Defaults-sliders” icon_bg_color=”#101010″ icon_color=”#ffffff”]Always know where the project is upto with full visibility of the Programme, Budget and Quality.[/info_circle_item][/info_circle]

Custom Solutions

We appreciate that every one of our clients has individual requirements. This is why we offer a fully customisable service that can be adapted and changed as the project progresses. Please get in touch to see how we can help you with your project.

Benefitting Our Clients

It is no secret that every week more and more construction companies are being put into receivership. This leaves clients with a part built home and financially out of pocket. It is normally due to the way in which building contracts are put together – to benefit the building company.
When you build with Architectural Reality, you pay for the works that have been completed, when they have been completed. There is no 10% deposit before a pen is even lifted or a nail hit. As the client, you are in control of your money, ensuring that you are always ahead financially should anything go wrong.
Another benefit to this system is that subcontractors are motivated to turn up and complete their work. This is because they know that they will get paid faster than the industry norm – cash is king!

Benefitting Our Subcontractors & Suppliers

One of the biggest concerns that anybody in the construction industry has is about when or if they are going to get paid. Our experience tells us that when people are paid on time for the work that they have completed, then they will carry on performing. Not only will they carry on performing, but they also become even more reliable and strive to beat expectations.
Our clients' security is also our subcontractors' security. Subcontractors are paid quickly. When the agreed works are completed an invoice can be issued (at any time in the month) and it will be paid within an agreed timeframe – no more waiting for the 20th of the following month or further.

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If you have any questions or would like more information about how we can help you, please get in touch using the form below or by emailing info@architecturalreality.com

You can also follow us on Facebook and Instagram



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